Luis Elizalde, CMF: organ concert in solidarity

Dec 19, 2008 | Claretian Family, Congregation, JPIC, Parish Ministry

Rome. On December 18, a concert-meditation took place in the parish of the Basilica of the Heart of Mary, in Parioli. The aim was to help the Palestinian families who are going through so many difficulties because of the war.

The pastor of the Basilica, Fr. Leandro Fanlo, CMF, has made the presentation of the concert and its aim.

The music was performed by the organist Fr. Luis Elizalde,

Claretian from the province of Euskal Herria, and the selection of meditative texts about Advent and Nativity were taken from the writings of Chiara Lubich, presented by readers from the Focolare movement.

The musical selection was taken from the Chorales over Advent and Nativity of Juan Sebastian Bach.

We were able to obtain an atmosphere of religious silence, to which the numerous public responded very well, broken only with the prolonged final round of applause dedicated to the organist, Fr. Elizalde.

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