Living out the charism of Consecrated Life in the era of digital disruption

Jan 21, 2021 | Apostolate, ASCLA East, Indonesia - Timor Leste, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Kupang, Indonesia. From January 18 to 20, 2021, the 11th Week of Religious Life was held, through the Zoom platform, due to the pandemic. There were over two hundred participants, including different communities of consecrated men and women and lay people from almost all over Indonesia and some from abroad who joined this three-day program.

The main theme of this 11th Week of Religious Life was “Living Out the Charism of Consecrated Life in the Era of Digital Disruption”. The theme was elaborated by three keynote speakers: Fr. Valens Agino, cmf (Kupang – Indonesia), from the biblical perspective; Fr. Agustinus Supur, cmf (ICLA – Philippines), from the the theology of Consecrated Life’s point of view, and Fr. Viktor Dody Sau Sasi, cmf (Juridicum – Rome), from the juridical aspect.

The participants expressed their gratitude to the Claretian Missionaries for continuing to organize a program of updating and sensitization to the demands of the present world. The pandemic has not blocked either the eagerness to learn and make more visible the charism and identity proper to each family of religious life, in the mission and at the service of others. Fr. Valentinus Laga Ola, cmf, responsible for Consecrated Life Commission and the organizing committee, thanked the keynote speakers for their availability and all the participants for their enthusiasm.


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