Listening to the Reality: XVI General Chapter of the RMI

Jul 25, 2011 | Claretian Family, Congregation, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Galapagar (Madrid), España. The XVI General Chapter of the Claretian Missionary Sisters began on Monday, July 18th in this city.
Participating are 40 sisters who come from the Provinces of Argentina, Colombia, Spain-North and Spain-South; the Vice-Provinces of Asia and Italy, and the Delegations of Africa, USA, Europe-West, and Venezuela.

The day before the meeting there was a workshop for the sisters who were coming to the Chapter for the first time.

On the 19th a synthesis of the analysis of their world reality was studied and completed with the perspective of each region where the sisters carry-out their mission.

On the 20th, Fr. Josep Ma. Abella, Superior General of the Claretian Missionaries, shared his experience on congregational reorganization with the capitulars.

With the celebration of this Chapter, the Claretian Missionary Sisters, as “one family and one heart” together sought the will of God for their Congregation, translating into contemporary times the apostolic spirit of their Founders, Mother París and Father Claret.

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