Keeping and Nurturing the Faith Online

Jul 10, 2020 | San José del Sur, Spirituality and Community Life

Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this time of the pandemic, while most of the movements are at rest, keeping and nurturing the Claretian spiritual life goes one. In the Claretian Province of San Jose del Sur, the Provincial Government pushed for an online Spiritual Exercises for the entire Province. Nineteen local communities and mission posts connected online to share this unprecedented moment of prayer, discernment, and encounter that impels them with new strength towards the mission. Other Claretians from other Organisms joined them, Frs. Arturo Morales, CMF (East Asia Delegation) and Juan Carlos Olmedo, CMF (Colombia-Venezuela Province) aside from Fr. Ezequiel Fernández, CMF, a member of San José del Sur Province on studies in Rome and Bro. Carlos Verga, CMF, General Prefect of Youth and Vocations, alos member of the Province who happened to be in Argentina when the worldwide lockdown due to COVID-19 took effect.

The Jesuit Priest, Marcos Alemán, SJ, accompanied them from Mendoza, Argentina, and facilitated the retreat under the title “Contemplative and prophetic community.”

SJ 20200708 Ejercicios espirituales online 1

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