JUBILEE OF 25 YEARS: Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Luanda – Angola)

Mar 23, 2018 | ACLA, Anniversaries, Mãe da África

Luanda, Angola. After the Missions of São Pedro and S. Paulo, of Luso de (1969 – 1975); of the Mission of Cangumbe, in Luso – Moxico – (1969 -1972); of Santo António Maria Claret in Tchamutete – Sá da Bandeira (1972 – 1976); Mission of Catete, in Luanda (1978-1980); the Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is born on 27 February 1993 at the Catholic Mission of Corimba, Archdiocese of Luanda.

The 25th year Jubilee is a time to praise God for the blessings and graces poured into the history of this parish community and our Congregation.

Over a year, we have thanked God for the life of the parish born and flourished in this area bordering the city of Luanda. The Young Claretians José Alves (1st Parish Priest), Student Mário Jorge and Brother Aquino, animated by the missionary spirit of Claret, knew how to captivate the first believers for Christ. During the 25 years, this Parish have had 2 Parish priests, 3 Parish Vicars and more than a dozen Claretians who served.

We thought of closing this Jubilee year with two weeks of reflection on social, ecclesial and missionary themes, the Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

On March 4, 2018, we had the joy of receiving in the Claretian Mission and in the Parish, His Excellency Dom Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias, Archbishop of Luanda, His Eminence Alexandre Cardinal Nascimento, His Excellency Dom Zeferino Zeca Martins, Auxiliary Bishop of Luanda , His Excellency Bishop Anastácio Kahango, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Luanda, Claretian Missionaries of Luanda and Lubango, neighboring Priests, Civil Authorities, Military, Benefactors and a crowd of the Holy People of God.

The solemn celebration was followed by a lunch in the backyard of the Claretian Missionaries which was served by the parishioners of the Mother of God Centers, Nª Sª da Assunção / Mussulo, S. José e S Claret.


Luanda, 4 March 2018

Fr. Fausto de Carvalho Rosado, cmf

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…The service of authority at all levels is exercised in a synodal way: it promotes co-responsibility, fosters teamwork, respects and harmonizes differences (QC, 57b) 1. Dear brothers in our Querida Congregación and in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary....

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