Kupang, Indonesia. Transformation is always at the heart of any formative process. In line with this profound objective, all formators of Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation gathered at Claretian House in Kupang from March 9 to 14, 2020, to deepen as well as discuss some significant themes on formation. This year’s workshop dealt with the following topics: “Initiation in the Ministry of the Word,” “Practical Methods in Vocational Discernment,” “Celibacy and Intimacy,” and some guidelines in preparing the Manual for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults and the protocol for prevention and intervention in a crime of sexual abuse.
Fr. Nikolaus Ilan, CMF, Prefect of Formation of the Delegation as well as the event organizer, said that “this program aims at deepening and widening the horizon of each formator in accompanying the candidates and young missionaries in all stages of formation.” All formators from all formation centers present: Pra-Novisiat Claret Kupang, Aspirantado Claret Hera, Novisiat Claret Benlutu, Seminari Hati Maria, Claretian House Kupang, Skolastikat Claretian Yogyakarta, and Biara St. Antonius Maria Claret Siantar.
Towards the end, they had the chance to get some inputs as well as dialogue with the Delegation Council. Frs. Yohanes Maria Vianey Lusi Emi (Major Superior), Frederikus Jampur (Consultor – Prefect of Apostolate), Francisco J.B. Roca (Econome), CMFF made themselves available. Fr. Vianey, in his remarks, invited the formators to give special attention to the Claretian charism along the formative process.
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