Inauguration of Academic Year at ICL – Sanyasa 2019-2020

Jun 27, 2019 | ASCLA West, Bangalore, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Bengaluru, India. It is June and it is the beginning of the Academic Year in India. ICL: Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa began its Academic Year at 9.30 am. of 21st June 2019 with the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Jacob Arakkal, CMF, the president of ICL and Provincial of the Claretian Province of Bangalore. The occasion was also graced by the presence of their neighboring Claretian missionaries.

During the inaugural Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Jacob prayed for the success of the academic year and delivered a thought-provoking homily on the state of religious in the present context. In the homily, he highlighted the present situation of Consecrated Life in India and the need of the consecrated persons to play a prophetic role with greater commitment and enthusiasm. He also exhorted the participants to make use of the opportunities provided by ICL to equip themselves intellectually and religiously.

In this academic year, they have 28 diploma students on the Theology of Consecrated Life; 7 diploma students on Biblical Studies and 10 PG students and a good number of audit students who would participate only in few selected courses.

On the same day at 11.00 am, they also had the inaugural orientation talk given by Fr. Thomas Manamel (Bibin), CMF, the Assistant Novice Master of the Claretian Novitiate, Carmelaram. In his orientation address, he invited the participants to challenge themselves and make a difference in their stay at ICL.

With the Holy Mass and the orientation talk, the new Academic Year 2019-2020 was officially inaugurated at ICL: Institute of Consecrated Life – Sanyasa.

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