II Religious Life Week in Indonesia and Timor-East

Jan 9, 2012 | Indonesia - Timor Leste, Institutes of Consecrated Life

Kupang, Indonesia. The Claretian Missionaries of Indonesia-Timor East organized, for the second time, workshops on Religious Life on the theme of formation. These workshops were carried-out from December 28-30, 2011 in Kupang, and in Dili (Timor East) from January 7-9, 2012.

These workshops took advantage of the participation of Fr. Mathew Vattamattan, CMF in his visit to the communities of the Delegation. In addition to the principal speaker, other specialists, Claretians, priests, and religious men and women enriched the reflection on how to form, in today’s context, religious with a mystical and prophetic spirit. The turnout was very good, which suggests that this initiative will strengthen over time

The government of the Delegation wishes to thank everyone who participated in the organization, especially to Fr. Mathew for his generous collaboration in this specific service to the religious life in these countries.

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21st Sanyasa Seminar on Dignitas Infinita

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