II Claretian Educational Exchange

Feb 10, 2019 | Apostolate, Congo, East Nigeria, Education Ministry, Santiago, St. Charles Lwanga, West Nigeria

Madrid, Spain.Seven Claretians from West Nigeria (2) and East Nigeria (2), St. Charles Lwanga – Kenya (1), Uganda (1), and Congo (1) are currently gathered in Madrid – Spain for the II Claretian Educational Exchange between Africa and Europe which runs from 9 to 17 February2019.

“Learning together” is the motto of this congregational program, coordinated by the General Prefecture of Apostolate and in close collaboration with the Province of Santiago.

During nine days the participants have the possibility to share their African context and see-listen “on site” how evangelization is carried out through education in these Spanish latitudes.

As an enriching experience for both parties, those who have come from Africa and those who receive this group, would be able to discuss their specific educational realities; see how the “educational community” are organized, trained, innovated and dynamized; confront models, practices and pastoral; and have a new perspectives.

With the coming of this second African group, the program doesn’t end here. In November of 2019, Claretians, directors and professors of Claret Schools of the Province of Santiago will visit the Major Organisms of East and West Nigeria to continue in this program, and complement in the path used in this congregational initiative. In the end, future exchanges will be evaluated and weighted in the other continents.

In addition to this initiative, there are some Claretians who live and evangelize in Africa and who are specializing in Education, and others who will do so in the coming years; there are schools in renovation-construction and others in perspective; and the preparation of the Claretian Educators Congress that will be held in Equatorial Guinea in the first week of November 2020 is already under way.

More details: http://www.apostoladocmf.org/


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