Homage to three religious men/wome in Cordoba

Jun 10, 2008 | Claretian Family, Institutes of Consecrated Life, Parish Ministry

Spain. The Spanish Conference of Religious (CONFER) and the diocese of Córdoba paid a loving homage to three religious men and three religious women, last Saturday May 31st, for their dedication and work on behalf of several sectors of the Cordovan society. Among them was the Claretian priest Carlos Díaz Sierra.
“With this simple but deep homage, we want to recognize the different fields of pastoral work in the diocese, in which the religious are present, from the attention to the marginalized and the most disfavoured to the evangelizing education and to the service to the priesthood,” explained Sister Pilar Serrano, Slave of the Sacred Heart, President of CONFER-Córdoba, at the beginning of the celebration.

Both the Eucharist of thanksgiving, celebrated in the church of Our Lady of Sorrows and concelebrated by some thirty religious priests and the social act held in the assembly hall of the Capuchins, were presided over by the Bishop of the Diocese, Mons. Juan José Asenjo, who expressed his personal satisfaction for the celebration and thanked the Religious Life for the dedication and service that both religious men and women carry out, from their respective charisms, in their pastoral work in the diocese of Cordoba.

Mons. Asenjo had some moving and very loving words for Carmen, Casilda, Amalia, Lázaro, Carlos and Miguel, underlining that “with this initiative we recognize the merits, the service and testimony of the religious men and women of our diocese, distinguishing some of them who have been offering their service for many years.”
Mons. Asenjo made of each one of them these brief profiles. Of Fr. Carlos Díaz Sierra the Bishop said: “he is leaving behind 35 years of service to the diocese in the church of Saint Paul as confessor, director of spiritual exercises and recollections and organizer of trips to Marian Shrines.”

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