Heeding to the call to prioritize Youth Ministry

Mar 31, 2018 | ACLA, St. Charles Lwanga, Youth & Vocations Ministry

St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation- East Africa comprises of three countries, i.e. Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The Delegation consists of Twelve Parishes where basically Youth ministry is also carried out as per the arrangement of each parish. In the last chapter, there was a general request and call to prioritize Youth Ministry in the Congregation. In response to the call by the chapter, St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation has given a special attention to Youth Ministry. With this in mind, the delegation, in conjunction with the Prefect of Apostolate (Fr. Athanasius Madu CMF) and Youth Coordinator of the Delegation (Fr. John Obonyo CMF), have decided to visit all the parishes where Claretians are working within the Delegation. This is meant to find a way to harmonize the ministerial methodology to the Youth. Recently the Prefect of Apostolate and Youth Coordinator started visiting the Claretian Parishes in Tanzania to animate, listen and talk to the youth. The visit to Claretian parishes in Tanzania was an eye opener to the thirst of youth for oneness and integration as a Delegation. With all condition favorable we hope to make this ministry effective and sustainable with all necessary facilities.

Fr. John CMF (Youth Coordinator- St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation)

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