Haiti. The Claretians are well

Jan 15, 2010 | Antillas, Claretian Family, Mission Alive

Rome. We have just received the news that both Fr. Anistus Chima Onuoga and Fr. Beauplan are physically well, but with the strong impression of the disaster and the despair of the people. Our house, as they have been able to inform, suffered cracks, but it is still standing; on the other hand, other very near houses have collapsed.

A Sister of the Claretian Institution who lives in Puerto Plata, R.D., was able to communicate with Fr. Anistus only 20 minutes after the earthquake happened, when the lines of communication had not yet collapsed.

From the Dominican Republic some of our brothers have tried to enter into Haiti, but they were not allowed. It seems that the Bishop, Mons. Miot, died crushed and the Cathedral suffered heave damages.

We continue on the watch and will offer on this page the news as they come to us. All the institutions are fully dedicated to the organization of the caring help, including our brothers of Antillas also. You may send any help that you want to give through the Fundus in Rome; they will make it reach those in need through the foundation of through the procure Promicla of Antillas.

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