Grateful in Service: Renewal Program for ASCLA West Jubilarian Claretians

May 30, 2023 | ASCLA West, Bangalore

Bangalore, India. The Claretian Missionaries of ASCLA West (India and Sri Lanka) who are celebrating their jubilee this year, came together for a refresher seminar at the Provincial House of Bangalore Province from May 25 to 27, 2023. Sixteen are celebrating their 50 years of religious life, 25 years of religious life and 25 years of priesthood. 

For the jubilarians, it was a joy-filled gathering to renew and refresh their Call and Response. The deep sharing among the members of the personal call narratives, vocational journey, Claretian communion and ministerial fulfillment made the rejoining truly Claretian – men rooted in Christ and audacious in mission. 

Fr. Benny Koottanal, MSFS, animated the group on the theme Priesthood-Call to Holistic Maturity. He highlighted the need for awareness of love and sacrifice as the essential qualities of priest. He also enumerated the right use of the social media platform. Likewise, Fr. Joseph Lobo, SJ, helped the participants to reflect on Priestly Mission-Spirituality. He focused on understanding how Eucharist with its inherent features of victim-altar-offerer makes a priest. 

Source:  Fr. Xavier Pereira, Provincial Secretary, Bangalore.

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