Grateful for the 125 Years of Presence: The Last Provincial Assembly of Catalunya

Dec 16, 2019 | Catalunya

Vic, Spain. The Claretian Missionaries of Catalunya Province celebrated its last Provincial Assembly on the 6th of December 2019. It served as a moment of thanksgiving for the 125 years of grace, of life, of service of the said Organism to the whole Congregation.

Catalunya is one of the first two Provinces created in the entire history of the Congregation. The Province was erected in 1895 during the first years of expansion of the Congregation. Throughout the years Catalunya Province, like its sister Province, the Castilla Province, expanded and gave birth to new Organisms. And now, 125 years later, it is time to be reunited with the three other Organisms in Europe (Euskal Herria, France, Italia) to form the new Province of Sanctus Paulus set and ready to be erected on January 1, 2020.

The Assembly which was participated by all the members of Province, all who were able to travel to Vic, took place at the Casa d’Espiritualitat de Vic. Normal procedures, sessions, revision and reports about the Organism as well as on the programs mandated during its XXII Provincial Chapter in 2016 took place.

The final Eucharist led by Fr. Ricard Costa-Jussà, CMF, Provincial Superior of Catalunya, took place at crypt of the Father Founder in the Temple Sepulcher of St. Anthony Mary Claret. In his homily, he emphasized the communal dimension of consecrated life.

Community life must be a true life of brotherhood, a reference point of our ministry and of our day-to-day living,” he said. He invited everyone to build one as it should be, a community life that is “admired from the outside for the capacity to live together in plurality and in diversity.” And aside from being admirable, “it must be attractive and a reference towards commitment.”

The Province, in view of its 125 years of presence, prepared a mission map and a video showing all the different missions it took, the plurality and diversity of ministries it had throughout these years – from the dedication in the spreading of the Word to groups and movements of Christian life, educational, parochial and social action ministries, centers, formation, communications and print, as well as the many places reached by the missionaries around the world and important events that the Organism witnessed and lived.


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