Colmenar Viejo, Spain. At the end of the third and last phase of this Year’s School of the Heart of Mary, the participants reviewed the regulations in Formation, beginning with the General Plan of Formation, deepened their understanding on the Initiation in the Ministry of the Word; on discernment; on justice, peace, and integrity of creation; and on laws and formation.
The proper preparation of the foundation that a Claretian Formator should have at the Congregational level alludes to #77 of the Constitutions: “The office of Prefect is very important because of its purpose and consequences” and if one want suitable missionaries, there is a need for formed Formators to carry out the task to which they have been called.
This #77 of the Constitutions makes a Congregational call for the necessary resources and personnel required to carry out this missionary work. The qualification of missionary Formators must be a Congregational priority commitment and, above all, the Organisms must keep this in mind, so that they can continue qualifying those who have this important role in the Organism, doing what is necessary to provide them with the tools they need in view of doing well the art of forming the future missionaries of the Congregation.
Aside from the task of the Congregation and of the Organsims, the missionary called for such a great responsibility, must preoccupy to be the best in his field and do what #77 of the Constitutions says: “…to whom it is entrusted charge of such importance, educate yourself well of your task and try to carry it out with all your best.” Like Mary, they can receive all this in their hearts and realize what Jesus is asking them at each moment: “Go and make disciples” (Mt 28, 19) to carry out this great work, which makes the Kingdom of God present in the midst of those who need it alive and active today.