Ormoc City, Philippines. Representatives from different Major Organisms and members of the Claretian Family of the Association of Claretians of the Eastern part of Asia (ASCLA East) gathered from March 12 to 15, 2024, to prepare for the upcoming Claret Way Asia East 2024, to be held at the Claret Novitiate House in Ormoc City, Philippines on July 25 to 31, 2024. This year, 2024, holds a special significance for the Claretian Missionaries as they celebrate the 175th foundation anniversary of the foundation of the congregation. Therefore, the organizing committee of CLARET WAY ASIA EAST 2024 chose the theme “Spreading the Flame of the Spirit.”

The following were present in the meeting:
Fr. Martin Ernest Ele, CMF (Prefect of Youth & Vocations Ministry – Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Province)
Fr. Paulus Jeraman, CMF (Claret Way in-charge of Indonesia – Timor Leste Delegation)
Fr. Tran Xuan Nhu Y, CMF (Prefect of Youth Ministry – East Asia Delegation)
Fr. Seungbok Lee, CMF (Representative of South Korea Delegation)
Sr. Maria Dolores Ledesma, MC (Representative of MC)
Sr. Anastasia Wio, RMICM (Prefect of Apostolate, Youth and Vocations Ministry)
The primary objective of this gathering is to emulate the spirit of events such as World Youth Day and the Claretian Family gatherings, particularly to re-echo the experiences of those who participated in the World Youth Day 2023 – Claret Way in Portugal, recognizing that not everyone could attend such international events. Additionally, it serves as a platform for the formation, encounters, and sharing of faith and culture among youth and members of the Claretian Family in the region. This gathering is scheduled biennially and takes place in different countries under the care of ASCLA East.
They were supposed to have this gathering in 2021; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been postponed. The last Claretian Youth Gathering was held in Dili, East Timor, in 2019.