General SOMI Calendar for 2025 Released

Feb 20, 2025 | Solidarity & Mission, Apostolate

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For the third consecutive year, the General SOMI Team of the Congregation has released the General SOMI Calendar, which includes around 150 activities that will be promoted during this Jubilee Year by the general animation bodies in Solidarity and Mission: the General Secretariat of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), the General Mission Procurator, the Claretian Team at the United Nations, and the General Prefecture of Apostolate.

The Calendar does not include the daily activities of these institutions but focuses on those offered to provinces, delegations, communities, and apostolic positions that may wish to participate. Various animation bodies will highlight important ecclesial and civil dates and events, such as World Environment Day, Missionary Day, the Season of Creation, and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. In many cases, the team at the United Nations will provide simple awareness materials, while in others—often in coordination with the Claretian Family—the JPIC Secretariat will encourage deeper reflection, prayer, and concrete actions.

Among the proposals of the General Mission Procurator, as in 2024, is the organization of training sessions on project management and implementation, primarily but not exclusively for those responsible for mission procuration in various Organisms. The first session will take place on March 6 and will feature Ms. María Amparo Alonso, an expert in integral human development and justice.

Following the success of the conversations organized by the UN team in 2024 during the discussion of the Pact for the Future, which was later supported by 143 nations, the team has scheduled six conversations this year to delve into the key themes of the Pact. The first, on April 2, will address the need for education to be truly transformative and to include a strong commitment to the future of Creation.

Since the beginning of the year, the team has been supporting more than thirty people from twelve different Congregational Organisms as they prepare, as part of civil society, for the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) at the United Nations in July.

As the Calendar indicates, the General Prefecture of Apostolate regularly makes the Pope’s messages available to provinces and delegations for major ecclesial celebrations (such as the World Day of the Sick, the World Day of Peace, Mission Sunday, and the World Day of the Poor). During this Jubilee Year, efforts will be made to help communities align with the various jubilee events celebrated by the Church. The General SOMI Team has also offered its collaboration to Claret Way Global in animating the Jubilee of Youth, which will bring together several hundred pilgrims from the Claretian Family in Rome.

In the context of the Jubilee Year, the SOMI Team seeks to highlight the exceptional yet often unrecognized contributions of women to the common good, justice, peace, and the defense of Creation, while also supporting their rights. The Claretian Mission Day and a series of activities outlined in the Calendar will emphasize this theme throughout the year.

Source: General SOMI Team

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