From a Spark to a Fire Burning Unceasingly

Sep 30, 2023 | Anniversaries, Congregation, Historical Notes, Jubilee Year

To celebrate the Jubilee Year, the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), the Jubilee Commission, in collaboration with Claretian Spirituality Center (CESC) and iClaret, has produced nine videos illustrating the history of the Congregation from its inception to the present day. These videos will be gradually uploaded and accessible on iClaret’s social media platforms (iClaret Official Facebook Page & iClaret YouTube Channel) and on the Jubilee section of this website starting October 1, 2023.

The common thread of the videos is the spark that ignited St. Anthony Mary Claret’s passion for preaching the Word of God by all possible means and through the Congregation he established with the co-founders. This spark became a flame that burns unceasingly today in his followers who strive to continue their founder’s charism, live his and the Congregation’s Dream, and preach the Word of God to others, burning wherever he goes.

The video edition was provided by Fr. Miguel Angel Gil, CMF of the Province of Santiago.


Episode 1: “Igniting the Spark”: Introduction

Episode 2: “Nourishing the Fire”: Background and foundation.

Episode 3: Stoking a Community Flame: From a Mission House to a Religious Congregation (1849 – 1868).

Episode 4: Expanding the warmth of the mission. The First Great Expansion (1868 – 1899)

Episode 5: Keeping the flame alive. Consolidation and Second Great Expansion (1899 – 1922)

Episode 6: Rising from the Ashes: Optimism, Destruction and Martyrdom (1922 – 1939)

Episode 7: Lighting the Way to the Centenary. First Centenary of the Congregation until Vatican II (1939 – 1962)

Episode 8: A Breath of Fresh Air. Vatican II, the Conciliar Renewal, and the New Constitutions (1962-1986)

Episode 9: Burning with creative fidelity. Creative fidelity and new horizons (1986 – 2024)

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