Formators and Formands in America Convene to work on the culture of accompaniment

Feb 13, 2023 | MICLA

Sasaima, Cundinamarca, Colombia: From 6 to 11 February 2023, representatives from various MICLA Organisms from across the America gathered in the “Las Mercedes” Retreat House for a meeting of Formators and Formands. The meeting was an opportunity for the participants to reflect on the theme of “Culture of accompaniment: affectivity, fidelity, and perseverance on the vocational journey,” led by Fr. Carlos Sánchez, General Prefect of Spirituality.

During the meeting, attendees considered the current state of accompaniment in the Church and the Congregation, exploring the perspectives of Jesus and St. Claret to understand the art of accompaniment and being accompanied. The dynamics of the Congregation were also a focal point, with participants asking themselves what they were dreaming of for the future and how they could work together to improve their accompaniment of others.

One of the key discussions was the importance of reflecting on how the Congregation is currently accompanying its members, specifically in the affective-sexual world. Participants recognized the need to integrate their emotional lives to avoid harm to those they serve, and to make significant commitments to strengthen their comprehensive accompaniment.

The meeting was attended by Prefects of Formation, a Formator, a student (professed) from each Organism, and representatives from the MICLA novitiate. Participants came from countries including the USA and Canada, Mexico, Central America, Peru-Bolivia, San José del Sur, Brazil, Colombia-Venezuela, and Eastern Colombia and Ecuador.

In addition to reflective time, the meeting also included opportunities for integration and recreation, with a day dedicated to a fraternal encounter at “Granja Extrema (Extreme Farm).” The evenings were also reserved for sharing experiences and discussing dreams and challenges.

The final part of the meeting was dedicated to projecting the dreams of MICLA and finding support among the participants to carry out the crucial task of forming new members for the Congregation. The event was coordinated by Brothers Fernando Kuhn and Guillermo Salamanca and was considered a highly productive and valuable experience by all who attended.

In conclusion, the meeting in Sasaima was a significant moment for the MICLA Formators and Formands to come together, reflect on their mission, and work towards a better future for their Congregation.

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