Formation of Vocation Promoters

May 25, 2011 | Claretian Family, Congregation, Institutes of Consecrated Life, Parish Ministry

Medellin, Colombia. From the 16th to the 21st of May, Fr. Juan Carlos Martos, Secretary General of Vocation Ministry, directed a Workshop of Vocation Promoters of the Claretian Province of Colombia-West in Medellín for those responsible for the various zones of the Province. Some of these local teams are made up of laity and a group of more than twenty religious sisters from various Congregations. Among them were two Claretian Missionary sisters.

In addition, two meetings with the Claretians and committed laity doing Vocation Ministry for the Province were held at our Parish of Jesús Nazareno where, in addition to evaluating their work, they shared the conclusions of the Vocation Ministry encounter which took place at Los Teques, Venezuela on the occasion of the imminent integration of the Claretian province of Colombia-Venezuela into one.

Time was allotted for a meeting at the Provincial Curia with the formation team and the psychologists collaborating in Vocation Ministry. They took on themes of discernment, vocational motivation, suitability, and ways of dealing with vocations for the animators.

Finally, an Encounter was held with the youth who are studying the “Claretian Introductory” and with the candidates who are undergoing their missionary experience. The workshop covered the activities of Secretariat of Vocation Ministry and a complete presentation on the Claretian charism and its formational demands. This Encounter took place at the Fusimaña formation house. Also present were the formators.

The vocational ambience of the province is manifestly hopeful, given the number of candidates and seminarians present; and especially because of the work encouraged by Fr. Provincial at the helm and a great group of Claretians who animate the Vocation Ministry in the different zones of the country.

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