The Acts of the Apostles presents us with the community of the disciples of Jesus, men and women gathered together in Jerusalem with Mary, the Mother of Jesus (cf. Acts 1:12-14). It is a community that: remembers its experience of life with the Master; that reflects upon all that had happened; that strengthens itself with the presence of those who had sharing the journey with Jesus with one of them joining the group of the Twelve (cf. Acts 1:15-24); and it prepares itself to receive the gift of the Spirit which Jesus had promised them (cf. Acts 2:1-4).
Mary is present in the community sharing her experience of life with Jesus, her son (cf. Lk 2:19), animating everyone to believe in Him who fulfils his promises and whose presence renews all things (cf. Lk 1:46-55), encouraging all to confidently and generously say ‘Yes’ to the project of the Kingdom, as she herself had done at the start of her journey (cf. Lk 1:38). She, who had been declared blessed for having listened to the Word and having opened her heart and all the dimensions of her life to it (cf. Lk 1:45; 11:28), is there supporting the journey of the new Christian Community.
The celebration of the ‘Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’ invites us to have a renewed awareness of the presence of Mary in our personal and community life.
With Mary; we feel called by God, sent by Jesus, and inhabited by the presence of the Spirit that empowers us for mission.
Together with Mary, we know ourselves to be brothers, members of this family that has received a new name; Sons of her Heart.
From her, we learn those characteristics of compassion and tenderness that are essential for building Brotherhood, and that allow the Gospel to enrich people’s lives. United with her, we dare to proclaim our faith in the Kingdom, and we commit ourselves to live and work out of this hope and these values, in a world that appears to have no sign of fulfilling the new reality proclaimed in the Magnificat.
The celebration of the feast of the Heart of Mary helps us to continue to maintain the flame of the missionary vocation burning. May this fire grow in each one of us.
Rome 12th June 2010
Josep M. Abella, cmf. Superior General