First Virtual Bible Encounter of the Claretian Biblical Network of MICLA

Jul 28, 2020 | Bible Ministry

Mexico City, Mexico. With 186 participants from all over the Americas and through the Zoom platform, the first ReBiClar Virtual Meeting began on July 22, 2020, with the theme “Bible and Care of the Common House. At 7 pm, Mexico City time, they began with the enthronement of the word guided by Centramérica Province. Fr. Ismael Montero CMF, president of MICLA, welcomed them, encouraging them to recognize the common house as the first Word, recognizing that in this meeting they are integrating three priorities: biblical animation, JPIC, and new technologies. Afterward, Linda Molina, coordinator of Recycling, introduced the facilitator, Fr. Raúl H. Lugo Rodríguez. The first part of his presentation presented the various realities and ideologies that threaten the planet as a common home. After the break, Fr. José Vidal Pérez CMF, secretary of MICLA, congratulated them on continuing on the biblical journey. In the second part of his presentation, Fr. Raúl elaborated on the origin stories in the book of Genesis that emphasize the establishment of order in creation and the preservation of life, since humanity is a land that thinks and has been entrusted with guarding nature. It was concluded with questions and answers.


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On the second day of the virtual meeting, again at 7 p.m. Mexico City time, they began with a prayer led by San Josçe del Sur Province. Fr. Henry Omonisaye, CMF of the General Government in Rome, shared with them about biblical animation in the congregation, the publications of the Bible Diary, and the need to continue with formation planning. Then Fr. Raul continued with his talk for the second day. In the first part of his presentation, Fr. Raul presented the theme on the legislative texts that contain an ecological dimension with regard to the sabbatical and Jubilee Year, including norms on the harvesting of fruit trees and animals. After the rest, in the second part, he discussed the prophetic literature, especially the prophet Isaiah which deals with the ecological as well as the social and cosmic dimension of Shalom. The session concluded with questions and answers.


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On the last day of the virtual seminar, again at 7 p.m. Mexico City time, they were invited to display as background during the session, the flag of their country of origin. The opening prayer was led by Brazil Province. In the first part of his presentation, Fr. Raul presented them with ecological elements found in the wisdom books, where experience is able to guide human life in balance with creation. It is in the Psalms that human greatness and smallness and the acclaim of all creation are expressed. After the break, in the second part, he shared ecological themes within the New Testament where Jesus takes up again the vision of a new justice in which detachment fosters harmony with all creation against unbridled luxury. The session concluded with questions and answers, and with some words of gratitude from Linda Molina.


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