Finding Inspiration and Renewal through solitude, silence, and prayer

Feb 23, 2023 | ASCLA West, Chennai

Dindigul, India: The Province of Chennai organized its First Annual Retreat at Claretians-LIFE, Nochiodaipatty, Dindigul, Tamilnadu from 14 – 18 February 2023. With 32 participants in attendance, the event was led by Fr. Joe Antony SJ. The retreat was based on the Gospel passage of Luke 24: 13 – 35 and was centered around the three pillars of solitude, silence, and prayer.

The retreat began with an insightful reflection on the Emmaus Disciples’ experiences of physical, psychological, and spiritual losses. Through this, the participants were guided to recognize the risen Lord and bear witness to His message. The retreat drew resources and characteristics for a good priest from this passage.

The retreat emphasized the importance of communion, community, and mission. Participants were encouraged to seek communion with God through Eucharist and other spiritual activities, leading to deeper connections with their community. The retreat’s ultimate objective was to inspire participants to engage in communion with the mission and work towards spreading the message of God’s love and compassion.

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