Faithful Commitment: Religious Professions Across Claretian Organisms

Sep 12, 2023 | Professions, East Nigeria, Padre Xifre, St. Joseph Vaz

Kattuwa, Sri Lanka. In a joyous and spiritually significant celebration on September 8, 2023, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Claret Seminary in Kattuwa, Negombo, witnessed the First Profession of six dedicated novices and the Renewal of Profession of eleven committed students. The event also marked a momentous occasion as four Claretians celebrated 25 years of their Religious Profession.

Fr. J. M. Joseph Jeyaseelan, CMF, the Major Superior of St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation, presided over the heartwarming celebration, and Fr. Manuel Ezhaparampil, CMF, joined in the con-celebration, receiving the Profession of Novice Do Il Park.

The celebration was made even more special as four Claretians, Frs. Royestan Jeyaraj, Steevan Singarayar, Satheesh Savarimuthu,and Christy John, CMFF, celebrated 25 years of their Religious Profession. Their enduring commitment to the teachings of the Church is an inspiration to all.

The event was graced by the presence of esteemed guests, including Fr. Manuel Ezhaparampil CMF, the Major Superior of the Independent Delegation of Korea, and Fr. Joseph Calistus, the Provincial of Germany. Family members, friends, and members of the Claretian family joined in the festivities, adding to the sense of community and togetherness.

The Novices who made their First Profession are; Antony Anojan, Varun Pragash, Fleming Swiger (from St. Joseph Vaz Independent Delegation), Onana Theophile, Boris Nyuymengka Suinyuy (From Camerone Delegation) and Do Il Park ( From The Independent Delegation of South Korea). 

These young men have taken a significant step on their spiritual journey, dedicating themselves to a life of service and devotion in the Catholic faith.

Padre Xifre Independent Delegation

On the other hand, in the Novitiate “Padre Xifré”, in the city of Bata, Equatorial Guinea, witnessed the first profession of six students. The Mass, presided by Monsignor Juan Matogo Oyana, CMF, was well attended by the Catholic Christian community around the Novitiate, as well as Claretians and students from the continental region: Niefang, Nkué and Casa Claret, were present to support and welcome the professed brothers.

The novices who made their profession are; Naurien Olsen Ndjobissa Kwesi, Daryl Steeve Mbalanguenza Ewembe, Bilendress, (all from Gabon) from the Delegation Father Xifré; Anthony Chukwuka Chiajuya, Emmanuel Sewedo Nutayi from the Delegation of West Nigeria; Kevin Mabassou Damna from the Delegation of Cameroon. The profession was received by Fr. Felix-Obaga Eworo Bilogo, CMF, Major Superior of the Padre Xifré Delegation. With this commitment to the Church and the Congregation, by which they have incorporated themselves into the life, charism and spirituality of St. Anthony Mary Claret, the newly professed have committed themselves to follow the example of the Poor, Chaste and Obedient Christ.

East Nigeria Province 

Likewise, On September 8, 2023, the Province of East Nigeria also witnessed at St. Anthony Mary Claret Parish in New Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, the First Profession of its eight novices and two students making their Final Profession. The solemn vows were received by Fr. Stanislaus Ekwujuru, CMF, the Provincial Vicar and Prefect of Formation.

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