Dem. Rep. of Congo. The Prefect of Apostolate of the Delegation of Central Africa, P. Yves Loussou, organized a reflection encounter with the Claretian pastors of the D.R. of Congo. It was held from February 27 to March 1st, 2010 in Kikoti/Kikwit. The theme was “The Claretian Pastoral Identity” from the reality of Africa, with the intention of discovering the factors that will determine the future of the Claretian pastoral communities. There was an effort also to pay attention to the pastoral experiences on the spot in order to harmonically combine the African, Christian and Claretian identity. At the end of the encounter reference was made to the guidelines given by our last General Chapter in regards to the apostolate. The testimonies and the sharing of apostolic experiences at this moment of the encounter were a strong sign of mutual support for the mission.

Congo’s Claretians Illuminate 175th Anniversary with Formation Session
Kikwit, Congo. The Independent Delegation of Congo recently organised a session on ongoing formation for the Quinquennium state, held from April 2 to 6, 2024, at its residence in Kikwit. Against the backdrop of celebrating the 175th anniversary of the congregation's...