Encounter of the General Government with the Major Superiors of Europe

Nov 29, 2011 | General Government, Polska

Krzylina Ma?a(Poland). This morning marked the beginning of the Encounter between the General Government and the Major Superiors of Europe in Krzydlina Ma?a, Poland. At this meeting, which is scheduled to last until the 2nd of December is the participation of Fr. General, Fr. Josep Ma. Abella; the Vicar General, Fr. Paul Smyth; the General Prefect of the Apostolate, Fr. Miguel Ángel Velasco, and the Secretary General, Fr. José-Félix Valderrábano.

Representing the Provinces and Delegations of Europe are the Major Superiors and one member of their Council. Present are the representatives of Bética, Fr. Félix Martínez with his Vicar and Prefect of the Apostolate, Fr. Antonio Venceslá; of Catalunya, Fr. Máxim Muñoz and Fr. Josep Roca, Prefect of the Apostolate; from Germany, Fr. Stefan Wolf, Superior Provincial with Fr. Wolfgang Deiminger, Provincial Secretary; from Euskal Herria, Fr. Joseba Kamiruaga and Fr. Rafael Gómez, Superior and Provincial Econome; from France, Fr. Gildard Valencia, Major Superior, and Fr. Raymundo Adormeo, Vicar and Prefect of the Apostolate; from Italia, Fr. Franco Incampo, Major Superior, and Fr. Renato Caprioli, Prefect of the Apostolate; from Poland, Fr. Krzysztof Gierat, Provincial Superior, with Fr. Robert Kandcia, Prefect of Formation; from Portugal, the Provincial Superior, Fr. Artur Teixeira, with Fr. Carlos Canofias, Prefect of the Apostolate; from Santiago, the Provincial Superior, Fr. Manuel Tamargo, with his Vicar and Prefect of Spirituality, Fr. Angel de las Heras; from UK-Ireland, Fr. Chris Newman, Major Superior, with Fr. Ángel Ochagavía, Consultor.

The Encounter began with the celebration of Lauds and the Eucharist prepared by the General Government and the Delegation of UK-Ireland, and presided over by Fr. General.

In his opening presentation, Fr. General expressed his desire that these days be ones of joyful sharing of our Claretian fraternity and a fruitful moment of discernment regarding our missionary presence in Europe. He made reference to the Chapter mandate, of which no one can opt out, and the response that, as missionaries, we must give, in the short and medium term on the situation in Europe. He marked as one of the objectives for this meeting, the creation of a consciousness of being members of the Congregation in Europe, to consider our future on the continent and to see where and how we want to go.

It is important that we have a model of organization which allows for the development of our ministry in Europe using the necessary means (consistency in our communities, community dynamics, etc.); to make a reflection which helps us to understand the situation in Europe and our presence in it. It is very important to share decisions and put them into practice. It is necessary to make, now, assignments to our Institutes of Higher Studies and assignments of students from other parts of the world to various Provinces. For this we need to have an attitude of openness, without prejudice, facing all the others.

Through an interchange of different points of view and clarifications the Major Superiors can begin to make a presentation representing their own Province and respond to the questions which the organizing committee previously had given them. (Photos)

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…The service of authority at all levels is exercised in a synodal way: it promotes co-responsibility, fosters teamwork, respects and harmonizes differences (QC, 57b) 1. Dear brothers in our Querida Congregación and in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary....

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