Encounter of the CICLA and NACLA Biblical Ministry

Aug 22, 2012 | MICLA, Perú - Bolivia

Cochamba, Bolivia. On August 7th at the “Marie Poussepin” House of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in Cochamba, began the beginning of the Encounter of the CICLA and NACLA Biblical Ministry with 25 people representing all of the Organisms: The Antilles, Brazil, Canada, Central America, Colombia East-Ecuador, Colombia West-Venezuela, USA, Perú-Bolivia, and San José del Sur. Various circumstances prevented the participation of México.

In an environment of prayer, the Biblical Animation Team gave thanks to God for the opportunity to gather us together in this privileged space organized by CICLA to strengthen the fraternity and interchange of biblical ministry.

The objectives we proposed for this Encounter were: To address the general Hermeneutic in a Claretian way and to approach specific hermeneutics; Evaluate the diagnosis made in Quito, 2009 making viable and articulated proposals of biblical formation “at a distance” and evaluate the work done by the team of Biblical Animation Team during the 2009 to 2012 cycle and to discern the necessity for its permanence and the criteria for conformation.

CELEBRACION_-_CopiaFr. Juan Carlos Bartra, Superior of Perú-Bolivia, gave a warm fraternal welcome to the participants and invited them to deepen themselves in “the Word” so that, through a process of interiorization, it transforms and allows them to share it with the People of God with the example of Our Holy Founder who made of his own life a page of the Gospel.

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