Manila, Philippines. June 20th marked the beginning of the Encounter of the Prefects of the Apostolate from ASCLA-East. The meeting, which lasted until the 24th, was held in Manila, Philippines, led by Fr. Miguel Ángel Velasco, CMF, General Prefect of the Apostolate, and coordinated by Fr. Eduardo Apungan, CMF, Prefect of the Apostolate of the Philippines and Coordinator of the Prefects from ASCLA-East.
The fundamental ends of the Encounter were to concretize the four priorities of the Apostolate of the Congregation with regard to ASCLA-East for the present sexennium.
After the welcome given by Fr. Leo Dalmao, CMF, Provincial of the Philippines, Fr. Ángel Calvo, CMF gave a presentation on the Claretian Evangelizing Project for ACLA, approved in 2005. By means of this presentation they will conduct an analysis of each Major organism represented, and later, the finalization of the four priorities of the Apostolate: Biblical Ministry, Vocation-Youth Ministry, TIC-Internet, and JPIC-Mission procures. (Fotos)