Encounter of Formators of Iberia

Aug 11, 2010 | Catalunya, Euskal Herria, Formation, Portugal

Salamanca, España. From July 26 to 31 the formators and prefects of spirituality and formation of Iberia gathered in our house of Salamanca with the General Prefect of Formation.

The following participated in the encounter: Fathers Mathew Vattamattam, General Prefect of Formation; José Mª Bolívar, José Mª Hernández and

Antonio San Juan, from Bética; José Ramón Sanz and Luis Ángel de las Heras, from Santiago; Josep Armengol from Catalunya, Joseba Kamiruaga from Euskal Herria and Abilio Ramos from Portugal.

Under the guidance of Fr. Vattamattam the group worked on the integration of the social teaching of the Church and the values of JPIC -Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation- in the formative process, in the light of the document “A training schedule for a prophetic religious life” of the Committee of JPIC of the Union of General Superiors.

On his part, Fr. Luis María García, S.J. enlightened the attendants on matters related to the “formative accompaniment in process.”

Friday 30th was dedicated to fraternization. Several emblematic places of Salamanca and the sepulcher of Saint Teresa of Jesus, in Alba de Tormes, not too far away, were visited.

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