Encounter of Claretian Missionary Brothers

May 25, 2008 | Brothers, Claretian Family

Brazil. From May 1 to 3, the Claretian Missionary Brothers of Brazil met in the formation house of Batatais. Present were: Antonio Oliveira, Alfonso Diomar, Hely, Robério and Fr. José Valentín, Prefect of Formation. The students of Philosophy joined them on the second day.

Bro. Robério, as adviser for the encounter, spoke on subjects about Consecrated Life and the Document of the Meeting of the Bishops of Latin America, celebrated in Aparecida, SP, last year with the presence of the Pope. On the last day, the Provincial Superior, Fr. Oswair Chiozini, gave some information on the functioning of the Claretian Province of Brazil, in this new phase of reorganization and on the forthcoming Provincial and General Chapters that will take place before long.

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JPIC as a Way of Life: Claretian Family Workshop

JPIC as a Way of Life: Claretian Family Workshop

On March 22, the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission of the Claretian Family organized an online reflection workshop on the importance of JPIC in Claretian mission and spirituality. The meeting was inspired by the latest social doctrine...

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