Empowering Women to be Self-Employed and Self-Reliant

Feb 24, 2022 | Bangalore, Health Care, Solidarity & Mission

Gauribidanur, India. Project Vision took another step in empowering the local women at its Rural Campus near Gauribidanur. It inaugurated on February 17 its tailoring unit as part of its Vocational Training Program for rural women, mainly for family members of children with disabilities.

This new project is supported by HID India (Powering Trusted Identities). Mr. Anand and Mr. Prabhu Raj from HID India represented and inaugurated the tailoring unit in the presence of Mr. Ramkrishnappa, the Gram Panchayath President. The project aims at training 100 women in two batches during the next 4 to 5 months. At the end of the training period, each trainee will receive a tailoring machine to become self-employed, thus making them self-reliant.

This project is just one of the hopes of the Claretian Missionaries to respect and defend every human being as we are all created in the image of God. We see ourselves as brothers to all, overcoming prejudices and barriers, recognizing women who are major protagonists in ecclesial and social life in a particular way.

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