Yaounde, Cameroon. On November 8, the Meeting of the Economic Council of teh Delegation of Cameroun was held in the Curia-Philosophate of Nkolbisson. Present were Fathers Elisee Abe, Conrad Essomba, Honoré Kenfack and Brother Théophile Tséle, cmff. They looked at the report of the Batatais meeting, the budgets of the different communities, and the self-financing plan of the Delegation.

Claret Gospel Children’s Camp: Providing biblical, theatrical, and musical education for children
Douala, Cameroun. The 4th edition of the Claret Gospel Children's Camp (CGC) took place from August 1st to 4th, 2024, at the Claret Youth Training Centre in Ndobo Bonaberi, Douala. The camp, themed "Come to me as you are" (cf. Rm. 13:13), and inspired by the Pope's...