Morelia, Mexico. In the recently remodeled Claretian Spirituality Center in Morelia, Michoacán, at 12:10 pm, on May 2, 2022, and with the 25 members summoned in the chapter hall, the Claretian Missionaries of Mexico began their XVII Provincial Chapter, presided by Brother Carlos Horacio Verga Vicente, CMF.
In the afternoon of the first day, Bro. Carlos exhorted them to live with intensity the afternoon of spiritual retreat accompanied by Jesus with the text of Lk. 24, 13-35, the passage of the disciples of Emmaus, allowing themselves to be questioned by Him.

Praying, listening, encounter, and availability were the keys to their meditation and dialogue with the Lord and the community. They have asked themselves how they currently feel, how they come to this Chapter, how they dream of their Province in 2028, and how they dream of their Province in 2028. This was to help them to underpin the provincial dream, design, and commitments.
You can follow the daily chronicle here:
The second day began early with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Being May 3 and given that in Mexico this day is celebrated in honor of the Holy Cross, the prayer of Lauds was set with this theme at the beginning, highlighting the capacity of construction in the material of those colloquially called “bricklayers” and applying to them this capacity to become builders of the Kingdom. In the same lauds, they paid homage to the Claretians who died in this sexennium, called “grateful memory, living hope”.
At the end of the prayer, the president of the Chapter introduced the Discovery phase, emphasizing the necessary attitudes: Listening, Dialogue, etc., to make it clear that the revision of the memories is not an ” issued judgment”, but a fraternal revision of the journey.
Enrique Mascorro, outgoing Provincial, proceeded with the reading of the reports of Government and Economy; taking as a basis the document shared digitally in the case of the reports of Government and offered in printed form for consultation in the case of both. At the end of the reading of each area, time was first given to present by means of ballots some questions addressed to those in charge of the different areas, following the dynamics under the moderation of Father Alejandro Cerón.
The session of revision of the reports of Government and Economy was paused to participate in the Opening Mass of the Chapter, to which members of the branches of the Claretian Family in Mexico and laypeople from some Claretian communities near Morelia were invited, as well as a good number of parishioners from the same chaplaincy of the Heart of Mary. In his homily, Fr. Enrique, who presided over the Eucharist, emphasized the need to walk in synodality and always be open to the illumination of the Spirit.
At the end of the shared table, the architects in charge of the renovation of the Claretian Spirituality Center made the presentation and explanation of the idea that prevailed in the design, seeking to give the functionality and comfort of the rooms and beautify the architectural structure.
The banquet was shared with all the attendees, who with a glass in hand and a plate with snacks joined in the joy for the inauguration of this Claretian work.
In the afternoon, under the light of the Spirit, the dialogue continued around the revision of the Reports, giving way to questions formulated in the ballots and their corresponding answers; at the end of these, there were also questions and interventions on various issues related to the reports, which were discussed. Having exhausted the schedule around the revision of the reports, they were formally approved in the chapter hall.
Then Fr. Enrique Mascorro presented the Working Document, the fruit of the process of approaching the analysis of the national and provincial reality and of different conversations, structured around the three processes, and it was submitted for approval by the Chapter, which was approved.
The final liturgical moment of this day of Discovery, was a moment of prayer, which was led by Fr. Mario Gonzalez in a very creative and expressive way, in which starting from the recitation of Psalm 50, and through signs, we were shaping the recognition of our faults and shortcomings and expressing our gratitude for the gifts received.
The day ended with the projection of the long-awaited movie “Claret”, directed by Pablo Moreno and the same production company that made the “Forbidden God”.
(News in progress)