Doctoral Dissertation Defense: Popular Missions of Claret

Mar 5, 2018 | CESC, Founders, Spirituality and Community Life

con directorMadrid, Spain. At 12 noon of Monday, March 5, 2018, the doctoral dissertation defense of Fr. Carlos Enrique Sánchez Miranda, CMF, Director of the CESC, took place in the auditorium of the Cantoblanco Campus of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid. The Panel was chaired by Dr. Pedro Fermín Álvarez Lázaro, and the members were: Dr. Dª. María Jesús Fernández Cordero, Dr. Francisco José López Sáez, the Director of the Thesis and Dr. Eduard López Hortelano, who has served as secretary.

The thesis which has been directed by Dr. D. Alfredo Verdoy Herránz, SJ, specialist in the history of the contemporary Church and professor at Comillas, is entitled: “Las misiones populares del P. Claret en Cataluña entre 1840 y 1850. Un camino de evangelización en tiempos de crisis (The popular missions of Fr. Claret in Catalonia between 1840 and 1850. A Path of Evangelization in Times of Crisis). Fr. Carlos received a final Outstanding Grade of 9.

Here is the text read by Fr. Carlos during the Defense: 20180302_Defensa_Tesis_Carlos_English version

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