Dignity is something that a divine being gives to people

Apr 8, 2022 | Mission Procure, St. Charles Lwanga

Kerwa, Kenya. The project “Toilets facilities for inhabitants of Kerwa, Kenya” (Ref.No.X106/2017) has been completed. Washrooms were built for ladies, girls, gents, boys, and physically challenged people. The hygiene and living conditions of more than 200 people in the village have improved greatly due to this project.

This project was funded by PROCLADE Internazionale Onlus, Rome. We appreciate Fr. John Britto, CMF, the Claretian Mission Procurator of St. Charles Lwanga Independent Delegation, and Fr. Amalanathan Martin, CMF who have successfully implemented this project along with the Claretian community at Kerwa.

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