“Developing a culture of discernment”: Leadership Seminar in the Independent Delegation of Korea

Apr 18, 2023 | Korea, Discerning Leadership Workshop

Jecheon, South Korea. Joining hands with the Congregation in developing a “culture of discernment”, the Independent Delegation of Korea had its Leadership Seminar titled ‘We Lead with Who We Are’ from April 10 to 12, 2023 in the city of Jecheon, South Korea. 

The Seminar focused on the Delegation’s strengths and weaknesses and had a brainstormed strategies on how to fill the roles which are left unnoticed, believing in the communities to become living spaces of discernment. The participants experienced a fruitful hour of learning and sharing, relaxing and nurturing, which knitted their bonds stronger.

The seminar aimed at developing Self-Awareness and Team Roles in each member, which would in turn help the community and the Delegation in its Discernment process and progress. Prior to the Seminar the MBTI test (introspective self-report questionnaire) was conducted individually and send the results that helped the effectiveness of the program. Johari Window method and MBTI test dynamics were explained and the group exercise and sharing helped them to better understand oneself and the other. This was After the Melbin’s 9 Team Roles was explained, which engaged the participants in reflection and presentation in the group. Thus, the participants could understand the impact of a member’s role in a community and in the Delegation.

The 3-day seminar was Concluded with a Pilgrimage to the Baeron which has a rich heritage of faith. Baeron is also called Catacomba in Korea, the first Theological Seminary site and the resting place of the Second Priest from the Korean Church, Yang-eop Choi. Visiting this special place was a spiritual nourishment for the participants. The Delegation team initiated and guided the Seminar after their active participation in the ASCLA’s (East & West) Claretian Discerning Leadership Workshop in India.

Source: Fr. Sebastian Eruvelikunnel, CMF, Korea Independent Delegation, Communication in charge.

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