
18 October

“You have to look at and imitate the humility and meekness of Jesus; humility is the foundation of all the virtues; and just as a tall building without a foundation falls, so too you will fall if you are not humble” (“Letter to the missionary Teófilo”, en Sermones de...

17 October

“Holiness supposes two things: being clean from sin and eminent in virtue. With the aim of acquiring it, you ought to take Jesus Christ as a model, the first priest and pontiff, meditating on his life and trying always to have him present in your thoughts, in your...

16 October

“Prayer is for man what the soul is for the body and what water is for the earth, it is the key to heaven. It is for man what weapons are for the soldier and just as the soldier without weapons is lost so also is the Christian without the holy weapon of prayer”...

15 October

“Jesus rode upon a donkey when He entered Jerusalem in triumph. I, too, gladly offer myself to Jesus to make use of me in his triumphant march over his enemies....;of course, I know that the honors and praises I hear will not be for me, the donkey, but for Jesus,...

9 November

“These ten precepts (of God´s law) are like many other branches coming from two main branches, the love of God and...

8 November

“There is no doubt that a child whose innocence has been preserved through good instruction is a treasure more...

7 November

“O my God, I give you my word that I shall do this: I shall preach, write, and circulate good books and pamphlets in...

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