
24 October

“It seems that I have now fulfilled my mission. In Paris and Rome I have preached the law of God: in Paris as the capital of the world and in Rome as the capital of Catholicism; I have done it by word and in writing. I have observed holy poverty, I gave what were my...

23 October

“Rip out of your heart all pride which is the root and principle of all the sins” Avisos a un sacerdote: que acaba de hacer los ejercicios de San Ignacio. Vich 1844; p. 5 ONLY JESUS IS LORD Salamanca. Summer. It is very hot, people try not to go out into the street....

Exerzitien in Buenafuente

Buenafuente del Sistal, Spanien. Die Teilnehmer des „Schmiedefeuers 23“ begaben sich zu neuntägigen Exerzitien ins Zisterzienerkloster Buenafuente de Sistal in der Region Oberer Tajo in der Provinz Guadalajara. Gebet und Reflexion prägten diese intensiven Tage, an...

22 October

“If you want to aspire to contemplation and union with God you must be a man of prayer as in prayer you receive the unction of the Holy Spirit that illuminates the understanding and by the exercise of prayer you acquire contemplation and the pleasure of heavenly...

15 November

“As if looking in a mirror, I should look at each created thing from where God´s goodness, wisdom, power and beauty...

14 November

“My neighbour, I love and cherish you for a thousand reasons Aut 448 LOVE FOR MY BROTHER AND SISTERS When we look at...

13 November

“My parents, whose names were John Claret and Josephine Clara, were married, upright, and God-fearing people, very...

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