
9 November

“These ten precepts (of God´s law) are like many other branches coming from two main branches, the love of God and love of neighbour, both nurtured by the common trunk of love. It is so natural and necessary for man that he cannot live without it; it is very easy for...

8 November

“There is no doubt that a child whose innocence has been preserved through good instruction is a treasure more precious in God's eyes than all the kingdoms of this world” Aut 276 PRICELESS INNOCENCE The values quoted in today´s world have a lot do with success and...

7 November

“O my God, I give you my word that I shall do this: I shall preach, write, and circulate good books and pamphlets in abundance, so as to drown evil in a flood of good” Aut 453 DROWNING EVIL WITH GOOD The old manuals on asceticism taught everyone to seek his “dominant...

6 November

“Love is the most necessary of all the virtues. Yes, I say it and will say it a thousand times: the virtue an apostolic missionary needs most of all is love. He must love God, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his neighbours. If he lacks this love, all his...

27 November

“Experience has taught me that one of the most powerful forces for good is the press, although when abused it can also...

26 November

“I believed that a certain class of sinners must be caught after the fashion of a man cooking snails. He puts them in...

25 November

“I have learned that zeal is an ardent and violent love that needs to be wisely controlled. Otherwise it might go...

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