
18 December

The true life that does not have an end can only be found in God who is the living being par excellence. This life that the Word received from his Father´s fullness for the eternal generation communicated it abundantly to the soul and body that united himself in the...

17 December

“Lord, I am convinced that just as you make the ocean salty and bitter to keep it pure, so have you given me the salt of dislike and the bitterness of boredom for the court, to keep me clean of this world. Lord, I give you thanks, many thanks, for doing so” Aut 624...

16 December

“Blessed is the one who loves God fervently and strives that God may be known, loved, served, praised and glorified more and more” L’egoismo vinto. Roma 1869, p. 67. Retrotraducido en EE p. 422 MAY GOD BE KNOWN AND SERVED Why does man have to love, serve and praise...

Abschluss des Schmiedefeuers 23

Am Ende des „ortsgebundenen Schmiedefeuers“ in spanischer Sprache möchten wir alle Mitbrüder in der Kongregation teilhaben lassen an dem, was wir im Laufe dieser 65 Tage in Los Negrales (Provinz Madrid) erlebt haben. Wir waren elf Claretiner-Missionare als Teilnehmer...

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