Claret mit dir

19 November

Mary will break your head, your errors, your vices and your tricks. Yes, all Christians, love and have a sincere and fervent love, trust and devotion to Mary, most holy, who is Virgin and Mother of God! We can do all things with her. As the children of such a Mother,...

18 November

“God, in the soul of the just, does what fire does: he illumines, heats up and converts into fire the fuel, melts the minerals, reduces the stones into ashes; so these same effects cause the fire that Jesus came to bring on earth” Los siete talentos de oración, in...

17 November

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest. For my yoke is good and my burden is light” (Mt 11, 29-30). He calls the moral doctrine he teaches as yoke and demands to fulfil it to understand the grace which he...

16 November

The most productive means I have used has been adult instruction. It has helped me rescue adults from an ignorance that is greater than one might imagine, even in the case of persons who hear sermons frequently. Preachers often take it for granted that their listeners...

26 November

“I believed that a certain class of sinners must be caught after the fashion of a man cooking snails. He puts them in...

25 November

“I have learned that zeal is an ardent and violent love that needs to be wisely controlled. Otherwise it might go...

24 November

“Although Father Joseph Xifre, Superior of the Missionary Sons of the Heart of Mary, has frequently spoken and written...

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