Claret mit dir

26 October

“The other group that most claimed my attention was the clergy. If all those studying for service in the Church were men of genuine vocation, virtue, and studiousness, what good priests we'd have and how many converts we'd make!” Aut 326 EFFECTIVE MEDIATORS The...

25 October

“From the very beginning, the style I aimed at was that of the Gospel: simple and clear” Aut 297 FACILITATE THE MESSAGE Claret lived at a time in which preaching was characterized by a pompous kind of oratory and, often shallow, more preoccupied with the form than the...

24 October

“It seems that I have now fulfilled my mission. In Paris and Rome I have preached the law of God: in Paris as the capital of the world and in Rome as the capital of Catholicism; I have done it by word and in writing. I have observed holy poverty, I gave what were my...

23 October

“Rip out of your heart all pride which is the root and principle of all the sins” Avisos a un sacerdote: que acaba de hacer los ejercicios de San Ignacio. Vich 1844; p. 5 ONLY JESUS IS LORD Salamanca. Summer. It is very hot, people try not to go out into the street....

8 November

“There is no doubt that a child whose innocence has been preserved through good instruction is a treasure more...

7 November

“O my God, I give you my word that I shall do this: I shall preach, write, and circulate good books and pamphlets in...

6 November

“Love is the most necessary of all the virtues. Yes, I say it and will say it a thousand times: the virtue an...

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