Claret mit dir

7 November

“O my God, I give you my word that I shall do this: I shall preach, write, and circulate good books and pamphlets in abundance, so as to drown evil in a flood of good” Aut 453 DROWNING EVIL WITH GOOD The old manuals on asceticism taught everyone to seek his “dominant...

6 November

“Love is the most necessary of all the virtues. Yes, I say it and will say it a thousand times: the virtue an apostolic missionary needs most of all is love. He must love God, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his neighbours. If he lacks this love, all his...

5 November

“I never quarrelled with anyone but strove to be kind with all. I avoided all clowning and disliked silly and mocking talk. Although I always appeared joyful, pleasant, and kind, I disliked laughing” Aut 386 JOY AND GENTLENESS OF THE BELIEVER Texts like this can...

4 November

“I have never made a penny's profit from the works I have seen through the presses. On the contrary I have given away thousands upon thousands of free copies. I am still doing so today and hope to be doing so until I die” Aut 328 AN IRREFUTABLE WITNESS Gratitude is an...

17 November

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest. For my yoke is...

16 November

The most productive means I have used has been adult instruction. It has helped me rescue adults from an ignorance...

15 November

“As if looking in a mirror, I should look at each created thing from where God´s goodness, wisdom, power and beauty...

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