7 July

Juli 7, 2018 | Claret mit dir

“In these last times it seems God wants the laity to have an important role in the salvation of the souls”
Las Bibliotecas Populares y Parroquiales, Madrid 1864, p. 18


Discovering the Christian vocation to which we have been called to live, with all the consequences, is what forms us as persons, makes us grow and be happy. As we know there is an awakening about the growing awareness towards the laity since the Vatican Council II. It is a recognition of this very basic truth that all of us are People of God called to build up the Kingdom of God. But each one has to do it according to his gifts and charisms. As St. Paul says, “There is a diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same. There is a diversity of works, but same God works in all” (1Cor 12: 4-11).
The tasks of the laity depend on their vocation that has to be discerned well, taking into account the needs and qualities of each person and always at the service of others in the Church. Today there is a good number of lay people who live their fidelity to Christ and their sense of belonging to the Church with enthusiasm in a truly renewed manner. They preach the Gospel mainly through their witness based on their duties and responsibilities in society: with their neighbours, fellow students, in their works, etc. As the Vatican Council II highlighted, the mission of the laity is to transform according to their capacities and to improve the structures and the environment of the world.
There is a lot to do, but the more we go deeper into our vocation (through the Word in a plan of ongoing formation by celebrating and sharing our faith, in our commitment for others), we shall bear more fruit in building up the Kingdom of God, in communion with others, in our shared mission.
How do I look at my vocation within the Church?



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