6 September

Sep. 6, 2018 | Claret mit dir

*59.- “I have always recommended the Blessed Virgin to all the Christian faithful; but she loved in a special way the Apostles, for they worked in saving the souls redeemed by her most holy Son. Therefore Christians who wish to attract, in a special way, the effect of the Blessed Virgin Mary should meet in groups of twelve in memory of the twelve Apostles and pray to God for the conversion of the whole world.”
Breu noticia de las Instruccions de la Arxiconfraria del Santissim é Immaculat Cor de María. Barcelona 1847, p. 118


What mother does not love her children more than her own life? All of us, purely by the desire of Christ, are made adopted children of the Father, children in the Son and children of Mary. She, like any mother, always rejoices in her children; but there are things which, without doubt, fill her heart with a special joy. For Claret the greatest happiness of Mary is to see her sons as apostles and Claret wants to pass on to others his own apostolic vocation.
The reason is not based on rank, titles, honours or hierarchies; the evangelizer is not a Superman; St. Paul said that ‘we carry this treasure in earthen jars’ (2 Cor. 4:7). The reason is in the purpose we have for the ‘apostolate’, in the orientation of our life. According to this text, it is to save those who are already redeemed by Christ. Or, in another way, put the part that is proper to us into the salvific work of the Lord: to cooperate humbly so that the redemption already achieved is being applied throughout history for every new human being that appears on the earth.
The maternal effect of Mary helps us to continue being faithful to the mission we have received. We are not travelling alone. There are never solitary apostles. This is false! Gathered together in 12 by 12, 50 by 50 or 2 by 2 etc. but always gathered together, knowing that we are a community that is sent. And, above all, without forgetting that nothing we do is our own work: it is always God’s! In Him it has its origin and its end. We alone are ‘no more than servants, we have only done our duty’ (Lk. 17:10)
This could be a good moment to revise my life and discover in what way am I an apostle, how do I turn into a reality this missionary command that the Lord has given me and how do I let Mary encourage me



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20 December

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