31 August

Aug. 31, 2018 | Claret mit dir

“In all of life’s disagreeable, sad, and humiliating events, I always remind myself that they come from God’s hand, for my betterment. And so, as soon as I think of it, I manage to turn to God in silent resignation to his holy will, remembering that our Lord has said that not a hair can fall from my head unless it is the will of the Heavenly Father, who loves me so much”.
Aut 420


A noted psychologist, contemplating a portrait of Fr. Claret during his time as royal confessor (1857-1868), noticed in the corner of his lips the signs of profound suffering. Claret confesses that “Divine Providence has always watched over me in a special way” (Aut 7), but in reality, seen from the outside, the life of Claret is an unbroken chain of failures. As a young man, in Barcelona, a friend swindled him and a woman tries to seduce him (Aut 72-73). Being a priest in his hometown (1835-1839), some of his neighbours tried to make life impossible, bothering even his father (EC I, pp. 76 and 80). When living the great satisfaction of seeing the progress of the Congregation of Missionaries, they placed on his shoulders the archbishopric of Santiago de Cuba (Aut 491), the final stages of which are particularly harsh: problems with the authorities, name calling, a serious attack in Holguín… The farms where he is welcomed are straw to the flames (EC I, q. 1185).
The era of Madrid is almost continuous martyrdom; during the first few months living in the constant doubt about whether to continue: “with some kind of pretext they will throw me out to take a walk” (EC I, p. 1344). Devoted to the material and institutional restoration of El Escorial, he experienced opposition from a section of politicians (cf. EC II, pp. 257 and 415) and internal intrigues of jealousy among his colleagues. Claret confesses that “El Escorial is the rack of torment for those who have to care for it” (EC II, p. 1290).
In the era of healthy secularism and the theology of earthly realities, we don’t make God responsible for evil, but we continue believing that nothing escapes his plan of salvation (= providence). Claret continues to teach us how to deal with adverse situations.



21 December

“I never tired of being in church before the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, and I talked and prayed so trustingly that I was quite sure the Blessed Virgin heard me. I used to imagine a sort of wire running from the image in front of me to its heavenly original....

20 December

“If something pains or disturbs you, suffer it patiently thinking that the Lord has placed it so. If you are able to give alms, do it for the love of God, thinking of the neighbours and particularly in the poor who are the image of Jesus. No day should pass without...

19 December

“With regard to the slanders unleashed against me, I am not sad; I am very happy in the Lord” Carta a D. José Caixal, 10 de marzo de 1865, en EC II, p. 864 FORTITUDE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “Fortunate are you, when people insult you...., because you are my disciples”...

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