29 November

Nov. 29, 2018 | Claret mit dir

“As I always went on foot, I would fall in with mule-drivers and ordinary folk, and so I had a chance to talk with them about God and instruct them in their religion. This had the added advantage of helping take our minds off the road and giving us a great deal of consolation”
Aut 461


When Claret was appointed as royal confessor, he poured out himself to a friend in a letter, “Me! Confessor to the queen?….. Leave me alone to hear confession of the simple rural and uneducated people; there are many to be confessors of the queens” (EC I, p. 1334ff).
Claret was deeply marked by the well known saying of Jesus, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has annointed me to bring give Good News to the poor” (Lk 4:18). He meditated and wrote it repeatedly, paying attention not only to the sending and the consoling character of the message, but also to the poor as the recipients. This practice of catechising the simple people, adopted in his missionary life in Cataluña, would continue also as the archbishop in Cuba (1851-1857). “With the Lord’s help, I saw to the needs of the poor. Every Monday of the year, as long as I was in Cuba, I gathered together the poor of whatever town I happened to be in and gave each person there a peseta; but since they were often poorer in spirit than in the flesh, I first instructed them personally in Christian doctrine…..the Lord has indeed given me a heartfelt love of the poor” (Auto. 562).
Along with this message of love for the poor, the autobiographical passage we meditate today presents us with the call to make use of all the occasions to evangelize. Among his retreat resolutions, Claret formulates sometimes about “not losing a single minute”. He dedicated all his time even when he had to remain in bed many weeks because of the murder attempt suffered in Holguin (Cuba 1856); and even there he spent time to bring out new channels of apostolate; it was then he got the idea of founding “The Academy of St. Michael”, an organization of the laity for the evangelization of the cultural world. His anxiety was oriented to both the educated and uneducated. He brought honour to his Episcopal motto, “The Love of Christ urges me”; he copied it from Paul (2Cor 5:14), another person who was a ‘fool’ for evangelization.



21 December

“I never tired of being in church before the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, and I talked and prayed so trustingly that I was quite sure the Blessed Virgin heard me. I used to imagine a sort of wire running from the image in front of me to its heavenly original....

20 December

“If something pains or disturbs you, suffer it patiently thinking that the Lord has placed it so. If you are able to give alms, do it for the love of God, thinking of the neighbours and particularly in the poor who are the image of Jesus. No day should pass without...

19 December

“With regard to the slanders unleashed against me, I am not sad; I am very happy in the Lord” Carta a D. José Caixal, 10 de marzo de 1865, en EC II, p. 864 FORTITUDE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “Fortunate are you, when people insult you...., because you are my disciples”...

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