26 June

Juni 26, 2018 | Claret mit dir

*246.- “I will say before meals: Lord, I eat to have strength and serve you better. Before going to bed: Lord, I do this to repair my worn forces and serve you better, because you so demanded. If I am studying, I study to know, to love and to serve you better and to help my neighbour”
Propósitos del año 1861; en AEC p. 696


It is true that routine is helpful, as it facilitates the realization of what we are used to. But it can also become an obstacle to the quality of our life. For this we need to change our desires towards what is good and better and redefine our intentions by making them objectives of our action , because as Seneca said „he who knows not where he’s going, never has the wind in his favour.“
The thought of Claret that we are commenting is the result of a retreat held during his mature years. He seeks that the necessary things (like feeding, resting, studying … ), far from falling into a routine, they will fall within the aim of his life: the service of the Gospel. Moreover, he attempts to give them a positive value for this goal, following the model of Jesus, who also experienced those same needs.
It is true that this implies some kind of penitential discipline, but the fruits to be obtained are those of a serene experience of a fulfilled personal unity. And in order to live one’s right intentions, nothing better than to transform them into a prayer, a plea. We entrust our spiritual journey to the Lord who does not deny us the gift of the Spirit (cf. Lk 11:14).
That is how the profile of an apostolic man is defined, capable of total self-giving in his time, his qualities and his affections. It’s what enabled Claret, like Francis of Assis and many other saints, to enjoy the undeniable joy of the children of God and to share it with his brothers.
Have you been able to organize your life by choosing and placing as pivotal the values that really matter to you? What have been the experiences that have made you intimately happy amidst the many things and people around you?



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