20 May

Mai 20, 2018 | Claret mit dir

‘The ancient Hebrews had a tradition which said that when God had created all things, he asked the angels what they thought and they all said everything was very good. However, one of the wisest seraphim, first asking permission, said: I notice the lack of a voice heard in the four corners of the earth which will say continuously: Thanks be to God, Thanks be to God, Thanks be to God…”
Carta a la V. M. Antonia París, 24 septiembre 1867, en EC II, p. 1203


Gratitude is one of the greatest human and Christian virtues. Giving thanks means recognising that, if we are what we are, we owe it to others: life, education, culture, Christian testimony… Nothing and no-one have passed through our lives in vain, even though we have forgotten, even though we may never recognise that they have played, and continue to play, an important role for us. Without the favour of many people, we would not be who we are.
Giving thanks is a sign of humility, it is the recognition that we are limited and need the help of others. St Paul says, ‘What have you that you have not received?’ (1Cor 4:7). Giving thanks produces optimism and joy in ourselves and the person who has done us good. It is to deepen, reinforce, foment good; reaffirm that good exists and therefore cultivate it, give it life, value it.
To start and finish the day giving thanks makes us see the positive in life, while keeping our feet on the ground in the realism of limited things. Giving thanks for the gift of life, of faith, of vocation, of love…, of the good that we may hope to do during the day ahead or throughout the day that has finished… Giving thanks in advance for those we are going to meet or have met, for the good received and which we have tried to do…
Giving thanks means valuing good and disposing oneself to the good. Because everyone one is both hunger and bread: everyone needs others and can give to others. No-one is so ‘rich’ that he does not need something, neither is anyone so ‘poor’ that he cannot give something. This includes giving thanks because we are aware of good and, consequently, giving thanks because we are capable of giving thanks.
Am I grateful or do I tend to only see the negative in myself and others? Are my expressions of thanks merely polite formulas or do they come from the heart?



21 December

“I never tired of being in church before the image of Our Lady of the Rosary, and I talked and prayed so trustingly that I was quite sure the Blessed Virgin heard me. I used to imagine a sort of wire running from the image in front of me to its heavenly original....

20 December

“If something pains or disturbs you, suffer it patiently thinking that the Lord has placed it so. If you are able to give alms, do it for the love of God, thinking of the neighbours and particularly in the poor who are the image of Jesus. No day should pass without...

19 December

“With regard to the slanders unleashed against me, I am not sad; I am very happy in the Lord” Carta a D. José Caixal, 10 de marzo de 1865, en EC II, p. 864 FORTITUDE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “Fortunate are you, when people insult you...., because you are my disciples”...

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