18 September

Sep. 18, 2018 | Claret mit dir

*179.- “It would be good to take advantage of the occasion to do missions, now that the Lord has granted these ceasefires. I don’t know how long they will last. I will just say that from the outside they are looking for pretexts to fight. The same thing happened in the fable about the lamb and the wolf.”
Carta al P. José Xifré, 4 agosto 1866, en EC II, p. 1036


The apostolic zeal of Claret saw him take advantage of any moment, however brief, to preach, counsel, write, etc. It is the evangelical ‘urgency’ of someone who feels fired up with the love of God and his brothers. There are those who always find excuses not to dedicate themselves or to delay their commitment. As the Greek philosopher Plato said, ‘There is never a favourable wind for those who don’t want to sail’.
But Claret is one of those who always want to sail, taking advantage of the slightest breeze that can move a sail. In August of 1857, having recently arrived in Madrid he wrote to a friend, ‘I see a great and horrendous storm coming that will break within a year. I am taking advantage of every occasion; you will have already seen the regulations that have been passed, on my suggestion, against blasphemy, impurity, etc.’ (EC II, p. 1396).
Today we sometimes meet with Christians, both laity, religious or priests, who lapse in their apostolic commitment because, ‘It’s not worth it, society is too secular, we are too few, we don’t have vocations, I have to look after my health, I’m not equipped, I don’t know how to respond, in the end it doesn’t get us anywhere, it’s a waste of time.’ In the meantime we are effectively losing time. Really what’s lacking is apostolic zeal, missionary passion, if not, then death.
Am I able to risk my life for the good of others? Do I live my life as a gift that God makes in me for my brothers? Will I leave it because of laziness, because there are other things that stop me from giving everything that I could give?



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